
FREE Web Show Today: Frustrating Resume Advice

FREE Web Show Today: Frustrating Resume Advice

There's so much career advice out there these days - But what's the best? Who should you trust? It can be a frustrating and confusing process. So, what do you do? We are launching a FREE weekly web show that focuses on YOUR career questions. That's right - real career questions from our readers. Today, we will be talking about the dilemma of conflicting and frustrating resume advice. Here are two questions we received that prompted this topic:

"I keep reading conflicting reports on how a resume should look. Some say use color, others say don't. Some say have a long resume, some say keep it to a page and put more detail in your cover letter, depending on what your focusing on. Please would you give an answer to what a resume should look like, and what it should cover?" - Tara
"If you ask 100 people for help with your resume, you will get 100 different ways to prepare your resume. So, how do we know the "right" way to prepare a resume?" - Margaret

LIVE Q&A Web Show

Want to be apart of this FREE Q&A session? Join us today! Date: Tuesday, June 4 Time: 1PM Eastern Standard Time Place: (Or, click here at 1PM) You don't want to miss out on this valuable coaching session!

Submit Your Question Now

Every Tuesday, you'll have the opportunity to get your career questions answered by career coach J.T. O'Donnell on our live Q&A show. Sign up now to be apart of our Weekly Web Show community where you can submit your career questions for a chance to get them answered on the show. (Can't make the live event? No worries - A recorded version will be sent to all members.) What's your question? Click the button below to learn how you can submit it! Photo Credit: Shutterstock