Job Interviews

New Boss Pushed Me Out - What Should I Do?

New Boss Pushed Me Out - What Should I Do?
How do you handle moving on unexpectedly from a company after 12 years of service? A reader asks what to do - please help her by sharing your advice in the comments below!


I am currently employed, but given six weeks notice to find other employment. I've been on the job for 12 years with no issues. The last six months have been under a new administration and my new immediate supervisor has been very difficult to please and hard to get along with. I'm performing the same duties, in the same manner for the past 5-6 years.

I am concerned about the type of reference she will give and also how to answer an interview question similar to, "What will your current supervisor say about you?"

J.T. O’Donnell is the founder of and CEO of, a web-based career development company.Photo credit: Shutterstock