
4 Signs Talent Thinks Your Employment Brand Isn’t Legit
Is your company actively hiring right now, but finding it tough to attract the caliber of talent your leadership team wants? Are you scratching your head because you’re using all the normal channels to get the word out about your open positions, but all you’re getting in return is an inbox over-stuffed with resumes from unqualified candidates who clearly just submitted their resume to meet their state’s unemployment insurance requirement?If so, then you may want to review the four signs you’re not seen as a legit employer:

#1 - When the wrong people knock on your hiring door - it’s not them, it’s you!

The best talent (a/k/a the people you want to desperately hire!), are sophisticated job seekers. They do their homework. They check your company out online before they apply. If they don’t like what they see, they’ll skip over you. Today’s job seeker is like a consumer - they carefully evaluate your brand as an employer to determine if you suit their needs. Thus, if the only people applying to work for your company aren’t qualified enough to get hired, you have an image problem.

#2 - Your employment brand is sending the wrong message to the right people.

There is a statement I teach all HR and recruiting professionals today: Brand or BE branded. Your company has an employment brand and job seekers want to get to know your brand so they can feel comfortable they are making a good choice if they decide to work for you. If your employment brand isn’t clear and easily available online, job seekers will assume you either A) have something to hide, B) there is nothing good about working for you, or C) you aren’t tech-savvy enough to realize you should be promoting your employment brand to them. None of those are messages you want to send to potential candidates.

#3 - You're faking it as an employer.

Your employment brand is not something you can make up. Sophisticated job seekers can smell a faker. They can see through the hype. What’s the telltale sign? You brag about yourself as if you have no faults. When all they can find is the positive stuff going on and on about how great you are, they know you don’t have a real handle on your employment brand. Why? No company is perfect. They expect you’ll have a few flaws, and more importantly, they expect you to own them. If you don’t know how to present an honest take on your employment brand, then you a aren’t a trustworthy company to work for.

#4 - You’ve looked in the mirror and don’t like what you see.

For some companies, the reason they don’t want to share their true employment brand is for fear people won’t want to work for them. I’ve worked with many companies that secretly felt their employment brand was flawed and not worthy of the talent they wanted to hire. However, after trying to fake their way through it (i.e. offering high salaries and hiding the truth about the environment), the turnover rates and bad reputation for lying in the interview process hurt them even more. The solution, accept who you are as an - warts and all. And then, learn the right way to share your story with authenticity and transparency. Want to transform your company’s hiring process? Join me at Glassdoor’s Summit.In September, I’ll be the livestream host for Glassdoor’s annual summit. The speaker line-up is filled with people from companies who have successfully revealed their true employment brand. They’ll be sharing their stories with you so you can learn how to do it too.Remove your fears and find your employment branding voice! This conference is all about teaching you how to be transparent and authentic with your recruiting and employment brand - on your own terms. NOTE: Sign-up before August 1st and you can save $200 on the registration! Plus, use the GDFriends2016 discount code to save another $100. Seating is limited and the prices are going up. Come join me and together we can help your company attract the right talent!