Google. It’s an amazing thing. Whenever you have a question you can’t answer, you Google it. Within seconds, you have thousands of answers at your fingertips. Powerful, huh? But how do you know which answer is the RIGHT answer? RELATED: Need career advice? Watch these tutorials Let’s use your resume as an example. You’re finally ready to call it quits at your horrible job and you need to update your resume. But you don’t know how to format it correctly. So, you get online, head to Google, and type in the question, “How should I format my resume?” A few taps and a click later, you’re bombarded with advice that “answers” this very problem. However, after clicking through a few of the results, you notice something. The first blog post you read didn’t offer the same answer as the second one you clicked on. And, some of the answers are from six years ago. And some of the answers come from sites you don’t trust. And Wikipedia’s on there, too, for some reason. Why is Wikipedia there?? So, here you are with all of these answers to your question, but you’re more confused than ever. Which one is right?! Google, in all of its power, isn’t the answer to your career problems. Here’s why…