Before you make a large purchase, you Google the item to see what’s out there about it, right? This product could be a game-changer for your business, but if there’s nothing out there about the product (or even worse, there are only negative reviews from disgruntled users), you will probably become skeptical and lose confidence in its value - you might even decide not to buy it altogether. Well, employers and clients do the same thing when they’re looking to invest in your services or products. It's important to promote your brand. You could be the absolute best at what you do, but if you don’t promote your brand or your services, no one is going to know about you (or believe you’re the best, for that matter). By neglecting to maintain your brand, you’re basically giving up control of it. These days, it’s an absolute MUST to promote your brand online. People want to get to know you - and they want to do it fast. They want to be able to look you up, see your face, your experience, and your work - all from their smartphones. If you can’t provide them with that simple request, you’re basically walking away from a customer.