I'm Not 'Warm & Fuzzy,' Now What?

Dear Experts, I just found out that I didn't get a promotion I was up for. My mentor in the company took me out to lunch after I got the news. She told me, "They said you just aren't warm and fuzzy enough to be a manager." I was shocked. I am an exceptional worker and have the best performance in my group. I don't see how being a softy is more valuable than saving the company the kind of money I save them. Part of the reason I'm so successful is because I don't get all caught up in that touchy-feely crap so many other employees feel they need to be happy at work. To me, you should come to work, do your job and leave the emotion at home. It's worked for me great until now. So my question is: Should I start looking for a new job where I'll get promoted without having to be 'warm and fuzzy' or is this something I'm going to run into more at the higher levels of management? Here is how our CAREEREALISM-Approved Experts answered this question on Twitter: Q#458 You will definitely need to develop people skills to advance; read HarvBizRev/Wharton information regarding leadership. (@juliaerickson) Q#458 Leaders care - it's what makes teams want to follow them. Warm/fuzzy doesn't have to be your stile, but give positive feedback and care. (@resumesrevealed) Q#458 Change your style! You have to be trusted to get buy-in and loyalty. Can you without being warm & fuzzy? (@avitacareermanagement) Q#458 This sounds like a company culture issue. Other companies promote based on results alone. (@gradversity) Q#458 Good leaders inspire. Doesn't require "warm fuzzy" as much as mutual respect. Engaging others not all touchy-feely. (@DawnBugni) Q#458 Think of it this way: you are kicking butt in your current job. Why should they promote you out of it? (@beneubanks) Q#458 Employees are better performers under managers they respect and like. In leadership, soft skills are = too hard. (@EmilyBennington) Q#458 Strong manager potential = lovable + firm. Sounds like you only use half the equation. I'd work on it. (@jtodonnell) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.
