
5 Quick Tips For Working In Walking At Work

Two coworkers go for a walk at work

Everyone knows that you should walk around every once in a while, especially if you have a desk job. But do we walk enough during the workday?

Probably not (I know I don't).

Well, surprise, surprise—sitting all day is terrible for your health. In fact, it increases your chances of depression, anxiety, and premature death. These are some of the not-so-awesome side effects of sitting constantly. (Are you out walking yet?)

If you need more evidence that walking is a crucial addition to your daily routine, check out these compelling reasons to get walking at work.

4 Benefits Of Walking More At Work

Two coworkers go for a walk on their break


1. It Can Relieve Your Back Pain

Have a bad back? Sitting all day probably isn't the best thing for it. But hey, good news! Turns out walking helps relieve chronic back pain. So if you're back isn't happy, get up and take a little stroll around the office.

2. It Helps You Live Longer

Yes, exercise makes us healthier. But did you know that speedwalking can make you live longer? According to Healthline, people who walk about 3 mph or faster live longer than others of their age and sex who walk more slowly.

3. It Gives You An Excuse To Enjoy The Weather

It's a beautiful day—get outside and breathe in that fresh air, soak up a little sun, and get your walk on! You don't want to waste the nice weather. Take a quick break, rest your brain, and—in the words of Nike—just do it! You'll come back to your work feeling refreshed and re-energized.

4. It Makes You Happier

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." —Elle Woods

Enough said.

5 Tips For Walking More During The Workday

People walking at work


Okay, so you've got the reasoning behind why you should get off your butt during the workday, but how can you fit it in? Here are a few quick tips for working in walking at work.

1. Skip The Drive-Thru

Instead of picking up your coffee while you're driving to work, walk to the coffee shop.

2. Get A Group

Get fit and be social! Find a few co-workers to walk with each day.

3. Add Walking To Your Schedule

Sometimes we get so caught up in work that we forget to take breaks. To avoid this, pencil in walking times on your calendar.

4. Leave A Pair Of Sneakers At The Office

Leave a pair of comfortable walking shoes at work. That way, you won't destroy your feet by clacking around all day in your heels or dress shoes.

5. Get An App

Find a walking app for your smartphone to track your progress. I use a free app called RunKeeper, but there are tons of great apps out there. It's a great motivator!

It's not difficult to walk more during the workday if you make it a priority. Follow these five easy tips to walk more at work today!

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