Work-Life Balance: The Secret To 40-Hour Leadership

Work-Life Balance: The Secret To 40-Hour Leadership
Are you among the 1 in 3 people who describe themselves as chronically overworked? In many companies and industries, those numbers are surely higher. In this webinar, Dr. Greg Marcus will to explain the root cause of overwork and offer a step-by-step approach to bring your life back into balance. In the webinar, you will learn:
  • The root cause of chronic overwork
  • How to say no to the boss
  • Who to trust in the workplace
  • How to stay true to yourself amidst chaos and pressure
  • One thing you can start right away to bring more balance to your life and make you more effective at work
  • The personal and business costs of chronic overwork
If you are working too much, and work is impacting your health, hobbies, and/or personal relationships, this is one hour you won’t want to miss.

Watch This Webinar!

Join us for this special presentation on balancing your worklife. Presenter: Dr. Greg Marcus.   WATCH NOW ►  

About The Presenter

Dr. Greg Marcus is a recovering workaholic who founded the Idolbuster Coaching Institute to help the chronically overworked find life balance. For a time, Dr. Greg was working 90 hours a week, which impacted his health and family relationships. Then, he cut his working hours by a third in less than a year without changing jobs, while at the same time accelerated his career. The secret? He rejected his corporate idolatry, and started putting people first. Dr. Greg is the author of Busting Your Corporate Idol, worked for10 years as marketer in biotech, and has a Ph.D, from MIT in molecular biology. Photo Credit: Shutterstock