6 Ways To Increase The Chances You'll Get Hired

6 Ways To Increase The Chances You'll Get Hired
By CAREEREALISM Founder, J.T. O'Donnell Recently, we recorded a webinar where I outlined the 6 things every job seeker must master to get hired in 2010. In it, participants learned:
  1. What shift in mindset must occur to ensure we can stay employed long-term.
  2. The most common trait amongst failing job seekers and why it must be eliminated for hiring managers to consider us for a position.
  3. What vital step the majority of job seekers skip, causing us to waste 100s of hours on a fruitless job search.
  4. What unique list can cut job search time down significantly.
  5. Which career tools successful job seekers are using.
  6. How smart job seekers use the ‘controlled chaos’ theory to execute an effective search.
Here's what some participants had to say on Twitter about the session:

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Now, for anyone who missed the webinar, I’m inviting you to get access to it by signing-up for our weekly newsletter. Why? This newsletter will automatically keep you informed of all our upcoming (FREE) webinars. It will also provide you with an easy way to see the top articles and new tools on our site from the week before. In short, it’s the best way to get our cutting-edge career advice in an easy-to-read weekly format. In exchange, I will send you the link to the webinar so you can listen to it immediately. (Or, whenever you feel like it – Ahh, the beauty of on-demand webinars!) Already get our newsletter? No worries. We eliminate duplicate e-mails to ensure you won't get multiple copies. You just need to put your e-mail in below to get the webinar link - we'll take care of the rest! Get it today to help you kick your job search in high-gear this week! If you’d like to learn the secrets to getting hired in 2010, simply drop your e-mail in below. You’ll have the URL in your inbox within minutes. (IMPORTANT NOTE: The e-mail could end up in your SPAM folder if you have it set for iContact e-mails to go there. Please check SPAM folder if you don't see it within 10 minutes of signing up.) lllhh
Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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