How to Create a 'Stodgy' Executive Brand

How to Create a 'Stodgy' Executive Brand
A recent article over at The HR Capitalist challenges readers to print off their “Old Leader vs. New Leader" comparison they came up with (which, by-the-way, they admittedly got the idea for from a Harvard Business Review article on the subject of professionalism.) I'm now going to continue that trend by changing the wording to “Old Executive Branding Strategy vs. New Executive Branding Strategy" as follows:

OLD Executive Branding Strategy

  • I am closed to the Internet world.
  • I can't make mistakes online.
  • I don't reveal my personal interests on social media.
  • I am expected to only make impressive, smart statements.
  • An executive's power speaks for itself.

NEW Executive Branding Strategy

  • I am open and accessible to the Internet world, strengthening my relationships with people.
  • I am human, when I inevitably make mistakes, I apologize quickly and sincerely online.
  • My interests, hobbies, passions make me interesting and attractive on social media.
  • I am searching for answers with my expanded online network of colleagues and supporters.
  • An executive who shares subject-matter expertise online displays powerful authority.
I agree. Transparency and authentic nature is the new power.

What's the First Step to Getting Started?

Opt in on the next page for my FREE e-guide, “4 Ways Executives Are Using Social Media for Professional Branding." In it, I showcase four executives who are leveraging the most popular social media tools for effective Executive Branding campaigns.
Executive brand image from Shutterstock