
How 100,000 Careerealists Can Help a Children's Charity

By Founder, J.T. O'Donnell

For the last 2 years, I’ve been volunteering for a children's charity. As the mother of two young children, I feel a strong connection to what they do.

Recently, I was headed out to a fundraising event when, quite innocently, my 6 year-old asked me,

“Mom, why don’t the sick kids just wish to get better?”

I gulped back my tears, sat down on the floor and proceeded to explain (as best I could), why it was the one thing we couldn’t provide them - that's why we volunteer to help them. After that, all I could think was, “How can I do more?” I started contemplating other ways to support the charity via my work. I thought about how these children and their families didn’t ask for the incredibly tough, full-time job of battling a life-threatening illness. So, it seemed like our efforts to help people find greater job satisfaction here at should somehow be linked to charitable efforts. Finally, the Ah-ha Moment came… 100,000 Subscribers = A charitable donation! Someday, I hope earns enough money to donate to a charity regularly. Right now, it doesn’t. Yet, by my calculations, if we can get the total number of subscribers of the site up to 100,000 – we will eventually earn enough from people visiting the site to do that. Eureka! If we hold a subscription drive and ask readers to spread the word, we just might be able to make magic happen.

Instead of spending the money on marketing, we get to donate it to a charity!

What I love most about this idea is that it doesn’t cost readers a single penny to help the cause. (In fact, we give you a lot of free career tools as a thank-you.) That’s right, no cost to you! Just complete the following: 1) CLICK HERE and put in your e-mail address so you can subscribe to our site. (You can also click the envelope icon at the top of this page!) 2) When you get the subscription confirmation e-mail, simply follow the instructions (a.k.a. click the confirmation link) to complete the process. 3) After that, you’ll get cutting-edge, SPAM-freecareer advice updates from us. Whether you choose to read them or not is up to you, but you may find having a daily dose of professional development a good thing! ONE IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE: You can’t subscribe and then unsubscribe. Our subscription counter will pick up on it. (See it listed at the top of this page? It’s updated daily and accounts for unsubscribers too.) So, in order for us to reach our goal, we need everyone to stay subscribed. But again, that’s not a bad thing, right? You’ll be getting professional advice from proven experts you can use to advance your career…for FREE! Not to mention, you’ll be helping a very worthy cause. As MasterCard would say,

Cost to You = $0 Impact You Can Have on a Charity = PRICELESS

Can you help us with this effort?We’d be grateful if you would share this post with your colleagues, friends and family. Together, we can use the power of social media to make magic happen. I promise to keep you all posted on our efforts as we close on this goal. I look forward to the day when I get to write a post showcasing the charity the community donated to!

PS - One last question...What do you think about social media as a platform for doing good? Share your thoughts below.

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