Top 7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make Online

Top 7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make Online
Webinar Information
Date:September 6, 2011
Time:1:00 PM ET
Duration:1 hour
Host:Joshua Waldman
Presenter Information
Joshua Waldman once traveled the world on nothing more than LinkedIn and a bottle of gin. He is owner and CEO of Career Enlightenment, which specializes in helping job seekers, frustrated by the traditional job search, leverage social media to find work FAST! He blogs, trains, gives webinars and presents to job seekers and career advisors all over the country.
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This event has already occurred. Please use the red link below to watch the recording of this webinar. It’s not as hard as you might think to stand out from the crowd and get the job of your dreams. But first you have to know the mistakes other job seekers make online and how to avoid them. On Tuesday, September 6 at 1:00 PM ET I will go through a humorous odyssey of each of the seven follies - correcting each one as we go. Even professional recruiters will walk away from this session with pages of notes. These seven tips will help job seekers network more professionally, develop strong personal brands and find their ideal careers fast. In this FREE session, I will answer the following burning questions:
  • Why should I even bother using social media for anything other than chatting with old high school buds?
  • This stuff changes so fast, how can I possibly stay on top of it all?
  • How can I truly leverage my network to find work fast?
  • What are the seven biggest mistakes I need to avoid online?
This event has already happened. You must have a Freemium Membership to to watch the recording of this presentation. Click here » to set up your FREE account now and watch this webinar!Joshua Waldman helps frustrated job seekers leverage social media to find work FAST! He is the founder of and the author of the new book, "Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies." Sign-up for his newsletter today and get access to his exclusive training videos for FREE.Read more » articles by this approved career expert | Click here » if you’re a career expert
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