eyes on your resume

Use Keywords To Get Eyes On Your Resume

Have you ever submitted resumes to countless companies and gotten zilch in return? One common resume blunder is failing to include searchable keywords that correspond to the job seeker's skills and desired position. Keywords are the lifeblood of resumes — particularly because, in this job market, employers are bombarded with thousands of resumes on the regular. Without keywords, your resume is as good as dead. Recruiters and employers often search for candidates on Internet job boards and social media platforms. The resumes they will find will be those that match the specific keywords they search for. And, if you hand out hard-copy resumes, the use of keywords makes it easier for employers to quickly scan your resume and immediately determine if they should spend more time considering you. If your resume lacks the right keywords, chances are that, no matter how perfect your resume (and cover letter) is, it will be tossed out. If your resume contains keywords that fit your ideal position, you will up your chances of at least a second glance.

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