3 Tips for Finding Federal Job Opportunities Right for You

[03.24.10] Right Federal Job for YouBy CAREEREALISM-Approved Expert, Dr. Daphne Houston Many federal job seekers think their federal job search starts when they get on the main federal job board, USAjobs.com. But if you don’t have a federal background, your job search should start before you get to the job board, so you know what to look for, whether you find a job that fits on USAjobs or not. This is especially important if you are coming from traditional corporate/private sector backgrounds like sales and marketing, customer service, finance and accounting, professional services or law. Tip 1 - FOLLOW THE MONEY When you watch, listen and read the news; REALLY watch and listen to the news. Don’t just listen to them say, “Obama did this, Congress did that.” They passed this bill or that bill. Ask yourself, “What does that mean? What happens next?” Ask yourself, “What does that mean in terms of funding?” Even if you don’t agree with the actions being taken to resolve the situation, consider the funding and budgeting. Check out www.recovery.gov to see where the Recovery Act money is being allocated and how that affects hiring. Tip 2 - FOLLOW THE DRAMA AND TRAGEDY When someone tries to blow up a plane with a bomb in his underwear, you can bet there are a whole host of actions that are going to take place around that...more monitoring and intelligence as in analysis, research, technology, security, foreign language skills. The Department of Homeland Security was developed in response to the 911 tragedy and is doing lots of hiring. Enjoying this article? You could get the best career advice daily by subscribing to us via e-mail.Tip 3 - FOLLOW THE FUTURE When a large percentage of the President’s State of the Union address is focused on energy, and energy alternatives, that means you should be looking at the potential in energy related agencies and endeavors. Some agencies to research are: Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, HUD, and www.recovery.gov to find out about funding and contracts for energy initiatives. Finding the right opportunities is one of the steps to land that federal job. If you need more assistance, sign up for Dr. Daphne's free courses and webinars at www.budurl.com/nyy5. Did you enjoy this article? Read more articles by this expert here.CAREEREALISM Badge [Articles]Daphne has been in the careers and employment business for over 15 years, helping hundreds of government and non-government clients land jobs and thrive in successful careers. Her certifications include: Certified Federal Resume Specialist, Certified Federal Job Search Trainer, Certified Federal Career Consultant, Certified Job Search Specialist, Certified Performance Based Hiring Expert, and Professional Human Resources.The photo for this article is provided by Shutterstock.
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