4 Keys To Help Career Seekers Keep Seeking

4 Keys To Help Career Seekers Keep Seeking

Calling all career seekers! A while back, I delivered a program influenced by my book, Career Transition-make the shift: The 5 Steps to Successful Career Transition, to a small, dedicated, and brave group of baby boomers from very diverse backgrounds. They all had one thing in common: they were searching for the next career path they could get really excited about; something that made them feel like they were engaging in meaningful work for the first time in a long time - or ever. We spent two 3-hour sessions together going through their career story common threads, skills, intangibles, passions, and career possibilities they might now have thought of and creating a career action plan for themselves. We were all transformed by the end of session two. It was awesome to see them awaken to themselves and the possibilities they actually have. I have learned through my own career changes - especially the one I am continuing in now. They usually begin way before they actually happen. Career change is nothing new, people have changed careers five - sometimes ten - times in a lifetime. The difference is work and good job environments are much more difficult to find today. The ‘find a job cycle” is much, much longer. Becoming discouraged, losing motivation, fear, and lack of faith are surely the by-products of that long cycle. I say persevere and stay your course, but have a course. I opened and closed the two sessions with these four keys that have encouraged me and helped me to keep running the marathon:

1. You Have Everything You Need

Everything you need is already inside of you. Go inside and trust the value of who you are and what you have done.

2. Embrace Change

Transition is another beginning and a new adventure. Your life is continuing and embrace it as an adventure.

3. Be Present

Adapt and apply who you already are, and what you do best to your NOW. Be in this moment, own this moment, as today is your real life, not yesterday or tomorrow.

4. Live

What it looks like is what it looks like today. There is no way to know what it looks like until you live it. One of the best tools I used during my initial transition was staying in the moment and doing the most with it.

Action + Doing = Motion And Momentum

Make smart goals, plans and tasks everyday, and do them. Your doing will lead you, and will lead things to you. As my friend Tory Johnson, Workplace Contributor for ABC’s Good Morning America, and founder of Women for Hire says, “Start today from exactly where you are.” Sage advice from a very successful career changer and seeker! What are your action + doing daily things? Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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