A Little 'Muscle Confusion' Is GOOD For Your Career

A Little 'Muscle Confusion' Is GOOD For Your Career

(FYI - This is a career carnival post. I'd like to thank my friend Ben over at Jobacle.com for encouraging me to write it!)

So, you think know it all, huh? Ahh, I know you...the person who feels like they've learned everything there is to know about career development, job search, office politics, workplace professionalism, etc.

Admit it. Lately, your eyes have been glazing over as you read the same old career blogs. You've even started deleting them out of your e-mail inbox without so much as glancing at the titles.

YIKES! Code Red! You're getting soft. The moment you stop reading, you start deteriorating. It's like exercise: Quit working out and you get flabby. Now, to stay engaged and interested in fitness, it's important to change up your workout from time-to-time. It's called 'muscle confusion' (Look it up, I'm not kidding!) and it helps improve the effectiveness of your exercise routine and gets you better results.

So, that being said, for this Career Carnival I decided to serve up a little muscle confusion for your career. The following are 8 articles designed to challenge your career assumptions.

Check these out:

A To-Do List: For Newpreneurs - Over at Under30CEO, they've got a post that offers a list of things those who wish to own their own business should do. I also liked the article, 7 Things I Learned as an Entrepreneur in the Past 6 Months

Real People Save Up for Houses, Not Spring Break - A newcomer to the blog scene who wishes to keep her identity a secret from her day job, the author of, Things (No One Told Me) About the Real World had me roaring with laughter reading her take on life after college. Her style is condensed and direct - like a shot of expresso.

You Are the Captain - A post by veteran blogger and social media expert, Chris Brogan. For those of you who aren't familiar with Chris' work, you should know he's one of the thought-leaders on social media - which means he always writes great stuff like this. To read his blog regularly is to understand the underlying shift our society's outlook on career and business is taking. He is a Gen Xer - the next generation to take over the helm. Reading him gives you insight into what the future will hold with respect to the expectations we'll have for each other in the workplace.

Forgive Student Loan Debt - The site by the same name has written a proposal that argues the value of erasing college loan debt as a way to stimulate the economy - very interesting! They already have 200,000+ follower of their Facebook fan page. Definitely worth following if you've got student debt for sure. A special thank you to the new blog All Education Matters, which pointed out this effort to me!

10 Lessons Learned from My Career Search - Over at Candidate's Chair, there's a list that is good for all those who think they are doing what it takes to get work. #7 is my favorite: " You are not going to find your dream job or even your next position by trolling the internet." - so true!

A Brewer's Journey - For all those people shackled by the 'golden handcuffs' of traditional work and benefits, this is a journal of a young man fulfilling his dream of becoming a brew master. Where else can you read a completely legitimate excuse for filling a pint glass first thing in the morning so as not to waste a precious hand-crafted beverage?

Give a Ship - There's a reason my friend, GL Hoffman of What Would Dad Say has gotten his Gruzzles showcased in Fast Company magazine - they are smart and funny. This recent one explains why more people don't get where they want to go in their careers.

Why EVERY Career Roadblock Starts With YOU - You'll never guess who wrote this one... Well actually, I videotaped it so you could hear me explain why:

1) ALL career roadblocks (past, present and future) start with YOU.

2) There are 2 main reasons why you are the cause of these roadblocks.

3) One of the reasons goes back to your childhood.

4) The other is a result of your selfishness.

There you have it. Some unexpected advice to help you get your career mindset out of a rut and on to new ways of thinking!

Now, I ask you...what articles have you read lately that could offer up some muscle confusion to fellow readers? Post them below so we all can get more professionally fit.
