Raise Your Career Metabolism in 2012

Raise Your Career Metabolism in 2012
The career news is finally better, so what are you doing with it to move your career? At the end of 2011, several annual recaps were written by several journalists and on several outlets. They were all quite optimistic about the direction things are finally moving in. The career news is finally better both because of the conditions improving and our attitude about them. The latest report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the economy added 200,000 jobs in December and the US unemployment rate dropped to 8.5% (down .6% since August). Steve Bersin who runs Bersin & Associates, a global analyst and research firm recently published research that confirms businesses are now investing again. In his most recent research to senior HR executives around the world, he reports 35% of respondents told them one of their top three challenges was “attracting critical talent in growing markets.” This number is nearly double what they saw a year ago.
  • The economy is better.
  • The GDP is growing.
  • The Small Business Optimism Index is up four months in a row.
Although it isn’t dramatic and some would argue not enough, it is better news, which most of us are welcoming with open arms for business, careers and the economy. What are YOU doing to move your career now? There is never going to be a perfect time to change careers or update the one that you already have. 2012 is probably the best of the last four to enter the entrepreneur arena or start planning to change jobs or companies. This is solely your responsibility now. Make a plan and don’t rush it. I am working with some professionals on their career goals and process for this year, but have cautioned them that staying at their present jobs and company is something to be seriously considered. How can you advance where you are? The grass is not always greener. Sometimes looking for opportunity right where you are with a different attitude and perspective can open possibilities. What can you volunteer to do? What committee can you join? Who can you mentor or shadow? Make a move when you know you are really ready. Career change and transition is a thoughtful process, especially now. You want to make sure you are clear about what you want to do and are best suited for. Do some job title searches on Linkedin, Monster, Ladders and see what comes up. See what skills and intangibles companies are looking for and make sure you are qualified. Make short term, realistic and achievable goals. When I left corporate America in 2006, I had been working on it for almost 14 months. Thinking, researching and planning my next step in short term goals. I created daily, weekly and monthly goals that helped me to keep the process moving but not to get too overwhelmed and distracted from the job I had. Make a vision board of what you want to happen. This is an amazing tool and most people that I know that map things and make a vision board , literally watch things unfold because of the systematic nature of setting intentions and preparing yourself for things to happen. Expect things to happen. Good news, better news and optimism about what’s possible are all great motivators for moving your career where you want it to go. This year is perfect to raise your career metabolism. Map your vision. Make your plan. Move things daily. Deborah Shane is a Career Author, an insightful Business/Career Branding Strategist and Integrated Media Marketing consultant who guides and empowers people through their current professional advancement at DeborahShane.com.Raise career metabolism image from Shutterstock