
Episode 5: Kinsta

Episode 5: Kinsta

Looking for a remote job? Hear directly from Kinsta's COO on why Kinsta might be the perfect fit for you to apply to

Episode Summary

In this episode, we chat with Jon Penland, COO at Kinsta, a managed WP hosting provider! If you haven't already heard about this incredible company, you'll learn why it's so focused on both its customers AND employees, and how it has grown into the company it is today.

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Can't Get Enough Of Kinsta?

Check out our new article on Kinsta that dives deep into how to apply to Kinsta, what benefits they offer and more!

Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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