Everything You Need for a Career Change is Inside You

Everything You Need for a Career Change is Inside You
“You have to trust in something: Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." (Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple)
Someone asked me recently if I have always lived my passion. I answered a resounding, "Yes!" It did get me thinking, though, back to the many paths and life cycles I have lived that have gotten me to this place. I have always followed my passions and dreams, and for the most part they have led me to the right destination. During my life and career transitions, I never considered whether I was too old, too young, is it the wrong time, decade, or year. I just kept moving in the direction that my passions led me.
“Remember, career change is simply another beginning and your new adventure.”
Your mindset regarding this new beginning is really important. If you think you can’t transition and change, you won’t. If you work out your vision, and plan and can communicate that vision, then anything is possible.
  • What do you really want to do?
  • Who do you want to be?
  • How do you want to live?
Change and transition with no vision or plan is not going to succeed. You have to know at least the why, even if the where is not yet clear. When I started my career change process in 2005, it was to answer this unexpected question that kept resonating in my head: “Why am I not 100 percent invested in my work anymore?” The last nine years of my broadcast radio career were just not the same as the prior fourteen. I started to think about what else was out there for a person like me with the experiences, skills, and wisdom that I had. I spent almost a year exploring the answers and options. This I knew: the corporate environment I was in was not going to give me more opportunity to grow and develop. I was not using all my assets, and I wanted to do more and make more of a difference without asking permission from people who frankly didn’t care. So I knew my why and I actually had a vision, which was to help people grow and develop to be the best at what they do. That is, and has always been, a driving force for me. I took this truth and used it as my foundation. How would you answer these compelling questions?
  • What is your truth?
  • What is the essence of your internal DNA persona?
  • What makes you inspired and happy to leap out of bed each day?
If you can identify your passion and vision now and what inspires you to leap out of bed everyday, you are well on your way to being happy and finding a meaningful career path NOW. Remember, “Everything you need is already inside of you.” Start by looking there. Deborah Shane is the chief motivator, educator and catalyst of the professional development consulting company, Train With Shane.Read more » articles by this approved career expert | Click here » if you’re a career expertPhoto credit: Shutterstock
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