
6 Smart Resume Guidelines For Professionals In 2013

6 Smart Resume Guidelines For Professionals In 2013

Your resume is useless. UNLESS you have a strategy for getting it in the right hands. When you apply for a job, your resume is going into the big black hole called the ATS (applicant tracking system). So, how can you make sure your resume gets seen? These resume guidelines will help your application get in front of the right eyes.

Resume Guidelines For Professionals

First off, you need to understand that your resume is a marketing tool for your "business-of-one." Every one has a different marketing strategy. Although some strategies work better than others, there's no way one marketing strategy can work for everyone. Why? Because your target audience is probably different than your neighbor's target audience. Your marketing strategy probably requires different components than your neighbor's strategy. So, how can you make sure you have the right strategy? In this episode, J.T. O'Donnell talks about the most current resume format and gives you tips on resume trends that are currently working in the job search world. In this episode, J.T. answers the following questions (and many more!):
  • How should my resume look?
  • What should I include on my resume?
  • What font should I use?
  • What's the right way to prepare a resume?
  • What are the current resume trends?
Want to learn more about these insider tips? Check out this excerpt of CAREEREALISM TV to find out
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