You Know Everybody! A Career Girl’s Guide To Building A Network That Works

You Know Everybody! A Career Girl’s Guide To Building A Network That Works

About The Book

You Know Everybody! A Career Girl's Guide to Building a Network That Works In today's business world, networking has become a four letter word. Even some of the biggest names in business admit to being nervous about networking. In You Know Everybody!, Marcy Twete will debunk the common myths of networking for women and guide readers step by step through the process they'll need to strategically build a network. Marcy will remove fear from the equation and teach you to network with power and confidence with tools like:
  • Pitching: Inside and Outside the Elevator
  • The Seven Layers of Your Personal Network
  • The Art of the Cold Call (or Email)
  • Following Up – the Perfect Prescription for Success

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About The Author

Marcy Twete is the author of the book You Know Everybody! A Career Girl's Guide to Building a Network That Works and the Founder of Career Girl Network. Marcy has built her career working with various nonprofit organizations including WomenVenture, Pillsbury United Communities, and more. Marcy is a graduate of the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota, and a native of rural North Dakota. She is the Vice Chair of the Chicago Board of Directors for Step Up Women's Network in Chicago and a member of the Advisory Board for Girls on the Run Twin Cities, and is dedicated to advancing the work of organizations that move the needle for women and girls worldwide.

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