
Meet Cindy... Unemployed And In Deep Depression

Meet Cindy... Unemployed And In Deep Depression

Cindy* is one of the 30+ scholarship applicants we have received since launching Allies to the Out-of-Work. Being unemployed has thrown her in a deep depression that she can't seem to shake. She isolates herself in order to avoid the dreaded questions about her tough situation. Harnessing the power of the micro-fundraising site, Indiegogo.com, we launched a campaign to raise $10,000 that will give 100 long-term unemployed people a full scholarship to our Job Search Accelerator Program (JSAP). This program is helping hundreds of people find work. However, it’s not something we can give away for free. So, we are hoping to get donations from those of you out there who:

A) Have been out of work recently and know how hard the job search really is.

B) Know somebody long-term unemployed and want to sponsor them.

C) Care about getting Americans back to work and on their feet.

Find out how you can be an ally to the out-of-work. You can learn more about the program (and donate) by click the botton below: DONATE NOW ► For the next 3 weeks, we will share stories of those who have applied for a scholarship (see the application form here), so you can see how important it is that we get them the help they want and deserve, but can’t afford. Meet Cindy: Q: What’s the hardest part about unemployed long-term?A: As the time goes on, I am getting more and more depressed. I worry all the time about my finances. I have been socially isolating myself. I have refused invitations to meet my friends. I dread seeing acquaintances; they keep saying, "what is wrong with you? How come you did not find a job?" Many of them have never been unemployed; they do not know what it is like. I also have no patience for friends who complain about work. They don't know how lucky they are to make a living.Q: What have you been doing to look for work so far?A: I am doing all what I can to get a job, without results so far. I have applied to jobs on line, exhausted all my network, attended meetings at the job club, and meeting with a career counselor. I am also doing volunteer work to get out of the house.Q: Why do you feel our Job Search Accelerator Program can help you?A: It will give me a fresh perspective on how to do job search. It will give me hope and help me lift my depression.CommentsI hope that I get the scholarship.

Your Turn

If you're interested in helping out job seekers in need, please donate to Allies to the Out-of-Work and help them get back on their professional feet. Learn more here... DONATE NOW ►Photo Credit: Shutterstock*Name changed
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