Over 50 & Out of Work – Documentary of Boomers in Transition

Over 50 & Out of Work – Documentary of Boomers in Transition
Recent winner of our Ultimate Career Coaching Experience contest, Thomas Bertin, shared with me this week he was interviewed for a multi-media documentary project for people over 50 years old who are out of work. You can see his interview here. I work with many seasoned professionals in our Career HMO who have similar stories to Thomas. I know how hard it can be to stay motivated and positive when your career story doesn’t inspire you to have hope. And yet, it’s the mindset that you have that will determine if you can change the ending of that career story. Over 50? It’s Time to Get Heroic! A was recently given a book called, “Be the Hero” by Noah Blumenthal. I couldn’t put it down! In fact, I made it the first book in the book club I launched inside CAREEREALISM Club because I believe the lessons it shares are truly transformational. If you are in your 50’s and between jobs (We don’t use the ‘U’ word here – see this video to learn why), then I encourage you to visit Over 50 and Out of Work. Then, go grab a copy of “Be the Hero.” Both will show you that A) you are not alone, and B) you have more control over your story than you think. Are you over 50 and out of work? What are you doing to stay motivated in your job hunt? Share your stories in the comments below. CAREEREALISM Club | 30-Day Risk Free TrialPhoto credit: Shutterstock