Why You Should Give This Valuable (FREE) Present to All Colleagues & Managers in 2009

What’s the one gift you can give that: A) Will be truly appreciated. B) Only takes a few minutes to give. C) Is good for co-workers, past colleagues, managers, or anyone else you feel you should recognize with a token gift this season. D) Shows what a thoughtful professional you really are! I’ll give you a hint: In order to give it, you’ll need to first step back from the stress and distractions of the holiday season and remind yourself why you are thankful for those that work alongside you, or if you are unemployed, who have been helpful in your job search. FACT: When it comes to gift giving, there is one thing that EVERYONE needs and they NEVER feel they get enough of. I wrote about this last year at the onset of the recession. It’s a perk that you can actually give any professional – even the ones you don’t like so much. Moreover, in giving this gift, you actually do some good for your career. It’s what a blogger I respect, Chris Brogan, agrees is vital to our presence management. Have you figured it out yet? Drum roll please... Okay, I’ll tell you. It’s a compliment. Now, I'm not talking about appreciation, but rather a specific, clear, honest and sincere compliment. Ironically, most people don’t understand the subtle difference between appreciation and compliments – especially, the fact that compliments are better than appreciation. To sum it up, a compliment pays respect…one of the most sought-after professional currencies. While appreciation merely implies indebtedness, which can lead to a feeling in inequity in your professional relationships. Here's how YOU Can Give the Ultimate Compliment to Colleagues & Managers in 2009! All this month, we will display in a daily post entitled, ‘Career Compliments,’ where we will list all compliments sent in by our readers. To have your compliments listed, simply follow these instructions:
  1. List the company where each person works and include the person’s full first name and the first initial of their last name.
  2. Write a compliment (100 words max) for each person that specifically lists what they do best at work. (Read this post for ideas on how to write a great compliment.)
  3. Provide your full first name and the first initial of your last name too.
  4. Send it to compliment@workitdaily.com.
  5. Check in the next day to see your post and then forward it to all the people you complimented so they can see it. (FYI – sign up to get our posts automatically by e-mail HERE.)
When it comes to giving compliments, don’t be a Scrooge! It’s easy to read this post and say, ‘I’ll do it later.’ Yet, we both know you won’t. Trust us, there is nothing that showcases professionalism more than taking the time to properly compliment someone. So, carve out some time, sit down and get these presents off to us. The sooner you compliment everyone who's made a difference in your career in 2009, the sooner you can cross them off your holiday list! PS - If you know someone who could use help in their job search, you may want to give them this... Our program, CAREEREALISM University, is an affordable ($25/3 months) career coaching service that is leveraging the power of social media to help job seekers learn the 'new rules' to job search. This is the ideal gift for college students, recent grads, or anyone you know who could use expert advice and guidance - all tailored to suit there unique career needs. Check it out HERE!
Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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