Expert to Entrepreneur: 13 Must-Have Brand Tools

Expert to Entrepreneur: 13 Must-Have Brand Tools
Webinar Information
Duration:1 hour
Host:Deborah Shane
Host Information
Deborah Shane is an insightful Career Branding Specialist and a creative Social Media Marketing Consultant, who guides and motivates people through their current career transitions and professional empowerment. She has been describe as “your career GPS” by USA Today/Gannett Career Columnist, Anita Bruzzese.
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Are you ready to make the shift or start the shift? Are you ready to start your own business and become a successful business-of-one? This is one of the most exciting and rewarding endeavors anyone can commit to! You can’t romanticize it today, you have to professionalize it! In this FREE webinar CAREEREALISM-Approved Career Expert, Deborah Shane will answer:
  • Are you the right person for the job?
  • Is this what you really want to do?
  • Do you have the right Entrepreneurial Profile?
  • Is this a desperation tactic?
If Entrepreneurship is a viable solution to your employment or unemployment, we will outline 13 must-have brand tools to assure you are a ”master marketer!” Setting yourself up to succeed is a thoughtful process and takes time to build brand awareness, credibility and grow your relationships with your personal and professional communities. Are you ready?
This event has already occurred but the recording can be watched on CareerHMO. Sign up for your video viewing membership now!
Word entrepreneur image from Shutterstock