[Unemployment Intervention] Job Fairs: Useful or Useless?

[Unemployment Intervention] Job Fairs: Useful or Useless?
Last week, a friend of our new revolution, "Unemployment Intervention" shared with us her excitement about attending an upcoming job fair being put together by her local Congressman. The day after the job fair, we got a disappointing follow-up e-mail from her telling us she found the event a waste of time. Primarily, her dissatisfaction stemmed from the fact employers at the job fair weren't taking resumes. What?! We found that impossible to believe and decided to call the Congressman's office to see if this was the case. As it turns out, some employers were taking resumes, but others weren't. This got us thinking: Are job fairs a waste of time? Watch this episode of Unemployment Intervention where we discuss:
  • What isn't "fair" about job fairs.
  • 4 steps a job seeker can take to turn a job fair from "useless" to "useful."
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