By CAREEREALISM-Approved Expert, Jessica Miller-Merrell
The Generational Debate has been a popular topic lately. As Boomers begin looking to retirement, working, recruiting, retaining, and understanding the current and future workforce is and should be an important focus for managers, human resource professionals, and companies, regardless of their size or volume.
We know (or we should) Millenials are the largest new and upcoming workforce demographic next to the aging Boomer population. Gen X on the other hand, is much smaller mainly due to the popularity and widespread use of birth control, specifically “the pill” in the 1960′s, but what about those that fall squarely in the middle? You know the cusp?
Cuspers are a term to define those that fall between generations. Cuspers regardless of where they fall are most commonly between Boomer and Gen X or Gen X and Millenials, are those that exhibit traits of both the generations in which they fall in between.
- Boomer to Gen X Cusper. Those born between roughly 1954-1965. Noteable cuspers include Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Sarah Palin. They are commonly referred to as Generation Jones.
- Gen X to Millenial Cusper. Born between 1978-1988. They are commonly referred to as the MTV Generation, Gen XY, or Generation Doom (because of the video game not XY’s pessimistic outlook). Noteable celebrities that fall into this cusper category include Brittany Spears and Lindsay Lohan.