WEBINAR: How To Make Friends As A Busy Adult

WEBINAR: How To Make Friends As A Busy Adult
If you have trouble making and keeping friends as an adult, then this webinar is for you. Making friends when you’re an adult is different from when you are a kid or a teenager. When you grow up, your life and personality become more complex; your preferences in people change as well. You can no longer hang out with someone just because they’re your age; you need people that understand you. More importantly, when we were young, our friendships got created almost on their own. Now, we realize that we need to be proactive about it. We find that leaving our social lives to chance doesn’t work. We need to re-learn how to make friends. On top of all that, we need to have a social life that we can fit in our already-busy schedules. This webinar will help you with that.

What You Will Learn:

  • Why we need to learn how to make friends (and go beyond simple “networking”)
  • What is friendship (a quick introduction to put things in context)
  • How to become friends with a stranger (how do friendships actually form?)
  • Where to meet new, interesting people
  • How to tell if someone is ready to be friends with you (so you avoid being disappointed or rejected)
  • How to have great first conversations, keep them going, and avoid awkward silences
  • How to be sociable (the art of responsiveness)
  • How to find commonalities with people and speed up the friendship process
  • Why sharing secrets is a “secret” to making friends
  • How to stay in touch with people (especially if you’re busy)
  • How to make plans and meet people
  • How to grow your social circle
Again, this webinar is made specifically for people who would like to have more and better friends, but don’t know how to fit it in their tight schedule. If you have a social life that is below the level you want to be at then make sure to tune in.

Watch Now!

Watch this FREE webinar on how to make friends as a busy adult and grow your network! Presenter: Paul Sanders, creator of the Get The Friends You Want methodology. What are you waiting for? Watch it now!   WATCH NOW ►  

About The Presenter

Paul Sanders's Get The Friends You Want teaches you how to: Overcome Shyness & Loneliness, Master Conversation & Social Skills, Make Friends & Build a Social Circle. Start here >> Free Social Skills Newsletter          
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