
4 Ways To Make The Most Of What You Have On Your Resume

4 Ways To Make The Most Of What You Have On Your Resume

Everyone who has a job right now has been unemployed at some point. Though the duration of unemployment and the resulting financial turmoil may vary, most people are out of work before they find a new job. So, if you are unemployed, the last thing you should feel is that you’re going through it by yourself. No matter how depressing it can be, the best thing you can do is be proactive. Keep your resume up to date and keep applying! Sure, you may have been rejected dozens of times, but when you look over that little piece of paper that contains your most important life accomplishments, it’s hard not to feel a little bit of pride. Keeping your spirits up during times of unemployment is unbelievably important. Many employers will be able to tell instantly if you’re depressed, especially at an interview. Let’s take a look at a few other things that you can do to make the most of what you have:

1. Organize Your Thoughts Efficiently

So, how do you do that anyway? It’s important to have an outline for your resume, much like you would if you were writing an academic paper. Make sure that you have the most relevant information close to the top. Do you have years of experience in the same field that you’re applying for? You obviously want potential employers to see that first! Think of the top of your resume as your first impression. You only get one shot at those. You want to have the most important achievements in sight as soon as possible.

2. Use Social Media

Seriously, having an online presence is another huge thing that you can do to make yourself more employable. More often than not, companies will do their research on potential candidates. If the only thing that you have on the internet about yourself is those photos of you completely smashed at a party in college you may as well have just not applied in the first place. Along those same lines, LinkedIn is another amazing resource for people looking for a job. Not only does it allow you to have a professional presence online, it also is a way that employers can find you if they’re looking to fill a position. There have been many instances where individuals have been contacted by a company requesting more information about them.

3. Learn A New Skill

This is a big one, especially if you are feeling hopeless after an extended stint of job searching. There are many skills that employers are looking for that are either inexpensive or free to learn. Skills like computer programming, technical writing, or even website design and management are just a Google search away. College degrees are amazing, but having a self-taught, basic understanding of the subject matter is the next best thing, depending on the type of work.

4. Be Yourself

It’s important that you keep true to yourself, especially when it comes to making a resume. Being creative with a resume is something that is a necessity, but if you’re spending all your time trying to be the most unique snowflake out there, your potential employer will often miss out on some of the most important aspects of your resume. Uniqueness is definitely a plus when it comes to resumes, just don’t lose sight of the real goal, to get the job.

What About You?

Did you have an extended unemployment? What are some of the things that you did in order to help keep yourself motivated and positive during that time? Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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