Job Interviews

How To Prepare For Video Interviews (Part 2): The Tech Setup

How To Prepare For Video Interviews (Part 2): The Tech Setup

In Part One, we talked about the basics of setting up your environment during video interviews. Now that you’ve prepped your background, it’s time to move onto the technical part of the video interview. If you haven’t watched Part One, you can find it HERE. Now, let’s get down to this... (Psst! Can't get hired? Watch this free tutorial.)

Figure out your equipment.

Tackling the technical side of video interviews can be intimidating for people who aren’t tech savvy, but don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it.

Don’t use your built in.

The built in webcams on computers for the most part are not the best quality. It’s worth it to buy an inexpensive external HD camera from your local Best Buy or Walmart. This is your first impression, you want to put your best foot forward here.

Audio is king.

Most people forget about the importance of audio and this is honestly the most important thing when it comes to video interviews. If they can’t hear you properly, how can they conduct an interview? The built in mics on computer are horrible don’t ever rely on them. Purchase an external microphone for as low as $20 at your local Best Buy. This will be your saving grace. P.S. Remember to test the audio level beforehand. You don’t want to run into overly loud or soft audio during the interview.

WiFi is no good.

This is one of those times were WiFi will not be enough. You need have your Ethernet connected so the video/audio will stream properly. Video needs a lot of bandwidth and WiFi just won’t cut it. The last thing you want is to be cutting in and out during your interview. QUICK TIP: Be sure to give yourself time to get familiar with all your equipment and streaming software. You don’t want to be scrambling. You could run into to problems. This gives you time to go exchange equipment, if need be, and find a solution.

Run-throughs are your friends.

Know the streaming service. Depending on what video streaming service the employer is using you want to make sure you’ve properly test your new equipment set up with it. It’s normal to run into simple problems like not having the proper camera selected or audio input. You want to figure all of this out beforehand so all you have to do is pick up the call when the time comes. Knowing that everything will work properly is a big weight off your shoulders.

Practice interviews for the win.

Grab a friend or family member and ask them to do a practice run with you. Do this on Google Hangouts because it records your session on YouTube so you can go back and review. Critique your background, lighting, body language, eye contact, streaming quality, outfit, and more. This is a fantastic way to prepare, and it will make you feel confident going into your upcoming video interviews.

Stick notes and video screen placement.

There are a few other tips that might make your interview setup work better for you. Position the interviewers video box right below, or as close to, your web camera as possible. That way, if you're tempted to look at him or her, it won’t drastically divert your eyes like having it far lower on your screen would. Also, if you’re a person who likes notes, position sticky notes around your monitor and near your webcam so they're within view. That way, you don’t have to look down and away from the camera. Now you’re ready, my friends. Feel confident and professional going into your next virtual interview. You’re going to knock their socks off!

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