Bullied On-the-Job, How Do I Fight Back?

Dear Experts, I see workplace bullying as an increasing trend...especially, since it happened to me. It happened at my previous job with my supervisor. She would humiliate me and degrade me, while upper management did nothing. I ended up getting laid off when cuts were made. What can one do to protect themselves from this? Here is how our T.A.P. experts answered this question:Q#296 Never be silent! Chances are you're not the only one being bullied by this person. (@beneubanks) Q#296 Speak2 boss & HR. Be firm & remain calm 2 make ur point known. Don't send message that u r doormat. Stick up 4 urself. (@DebraWheatman) Q#296 Don't remain silent and tolerant of a boss's bullying or lack of professionalism. (@teenarose) Q#296 No one can bully or intimidate you without your permission. What you allow is what happens. Stand up. (@dawnbugni) Q#296 Some bullies respect pple who stand up 2 them, others get meaner. Document ALL, go 2 HR if need be. (@juliaerickson) Q#296 Document everything. If you think you have a good case for improper dismissal, discuss it with HR or legal counsel. (@gradversity) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.

Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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