Career Change

Why Now Might Be The Perfect Time To Quit Your Job

Why Now Might Be The Perfect Time To Quit Your Job

I talk to people everyday, students, fans who follow my work, readers who’ve read my book, friends, family, and so on. QUIZ:Should You Quit Your Job? They all have a very negative attitude about their jobs and their careers. There’s no secret that the average person hates their job, but what I’m seeing and hearing goes way beyond just hating a job. I’m hearing from people who are so miserable that they’re considering downgrading their lifestyle and getting menial jobs just to rid themselves of the agony associated with their corporate gigs. Can you blame them? Employees have been forced to adjust to the changing business climate which has resulted in stagnant wages, a reduction in benefits and longer work hours, yet the corporate climate hasn’t changed at all. It’s still the same good ol’ boy network it’s always been and people are sick and tired of it. Now might be the perfect time to quit your job because the world is in the midst of a major revolution in the way we work. Salaried jobs are becoming few, far, and in-between as they’ve been replaced by contract gigs, and employers no longer have any loyalty to their employees whatsoever. Everyday, you hear a story about someone from Shark Tank or Kick Starter who achieved their dream by building a business. There’s something in the air and the walls that Corporate America have built are on the verge of complete collapse. What’s important for you to understand is that within this implosion is tremendous opportunity for those who are smart enough to take advantage. Employment is becoming less about working for an employer to establish a lengthy career and it is instead becoming more and more about simply doing work to earn a living. As jobs have essentially become dwindled down to nothing more than a paycheck, it is now incumbent on the worker to ensure that they build a brand for themselves that’s well diversified and allows them pivot into one of four categories of work: employee, entrepreneur, contractor or freelancer. No matter what direction the world moves, whether we continue to move closer toward independent working environments (contracting, freelancing, entrepreneurship) or whether Corporate America gets its act together and re-connects company culture, a personal brand allows an individual to win no matter what type of work they’re in. If you’ve become fed up with your job and your career, right now might be the perfect time to quit your job, learn new skills, build your brand and move onto something bigger and better. Personal branding has become a buzzword that myself and many other career coaches have been preaching for years, and many people are catching on. In the next 5-10 years, those who do not have a personal brand will be left behind scurrying to pick up the crumbs of opportunity left over by those who put in the work and built their brands. The time is now. Are you ready?

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert.
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