
5 Resume Fails Law Students Make

5 Resume Fails Law Students Make

This is not a pep talk, and I'm not going to waste your time with unfounded personal opinions. I have over 15 years' experience in legal practice and legal hiring. I was a hiring attorney in a law firm. And, I interviewed +150 attorneys across the U.S. to write my book, How to Get a Legal Job: A Guide for New Attorneys and Law School Students. In one hour, you'll learn what I know - hiring attorneys' opinions are remarkably consistent. And, so are the resume mistakes new and would-be lawyers make. Join me for a FREE webinar where you'll find out how to avoid these mistakes, putting yourself ahead of the pack in the most competitive job market in years.

This event is a production of CAREEREALISM TV. The presentation has already occurred but the recording is now public on this page only and can be watched above.
Law student resume image from Shutterstock