Job Interviews

Play Your Cards Right To Secure A Dream Interview

Play Your Cards Right To Secure A Dream Interview
Are you worried that your CV is getting lost in the recruiter’s shuffle? Are you dwelling on what you perceive to be a bum deal, rather than playing the hand you’ve been dealt to your advantage?Related:8 Common Interview Mistakes That Cost You The Job Writing a compelling CV is never an easy task, especially when the stakes are high and the potential prize is an interview for a dream job. This handy infographic from Giraffe CVs outlines some common job search conundrums, advising in each case whether you should ‘hold ‘em or fold ‘em’ to secure your dream job. Follow these simple and proven CV strategies to gain the upper hand in your job search:

1. Organize your hand

Bring clarity to your CV using a strong, logical structure and well-defined sections.

2. Learn to play the hand you’ve been dealt

Don’t overplay negative aspects, even when you feel that the deck has been stacked against you. Lay your cards on the table candidly - life happens and the recruiter will appreciate your open and honest approach.

3. Never bluff

Bluffing on your CV, purposely omitting important information or, worst of all, lying can lead to a ‘house of cards’ effect.

4. Don't try to be the 'Jack of all trades'

A generic CV can position you as a ‘jack of all trades and master of none.' Target and tailor your CV to suit the requirements of each specific opportunity.

5. Play your cards carefully

Even when you have everything going for you, qualifications, experience, transferable skills, and bags of potential, a bad CV can ruin your probability of securing an interview. As F. Scott Fitzgerald sagely notes, "A great social success is a pretty girl who plays her cards as carefully as if she were plain."

6. Change suits

Your CV shouldn’t be a static document, it should evolve as your career does, as the market does, as your personal objective does. Don’t be afraid to change your CV to reflect your ‘here and now.’

7. Keep a card up your sleeve

Use just enough detail to reel the recruiter in and entice them to place their bets by offering you that coveted interview. Too much information risks boring your audience, consider what the recruiter wants and needs to know to make his or her next move.

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