Somoto Gives Advice About a Career in Software Marketing

Somoto Gives Advice About a Career in Software Marketing
Over the past several years Somoto has placed itself among the leaders in the Software Monetization industry. How did we go from a small start up to a legitimate player in our industry? It starts with hiring the best people for the job and giving them the space to do what they do best. In Somoto as with most other software monetization companies, there are two main teams: Sales and Development. For developers, it is important to have relevant information on your CV. If your area of expertise is in Magic, but the open position is for PHP, then the position probably isn’t relevant for you. Similarly, if the position is for a PHP developer, make sure that your knowledge and experience in PHP is at the top of you CV. Most human resource directors see so many CV’s that they can’t possibly read every line on every CV. So put the crucial information at the top. On the sales side of the business, there are also varying levels, from someone with no experience to a sales manager. At Somoto Inc, we run a program under our BetterInstaller brand where we bring in Junior Sales Associates, generally their job out of college, and we give train them, and give them the tools they need to succeed. At the end of the program, the individuals who meet our criteria are given a chance to join our sales associate team. I remember when I was applying for jobs; nothing would frustrate me more than getting rejected from a position, because I’m too over-qualified. While it didn’t make sense to me then, I now see it from the HR perspective. We received a CV from a lawyer with a Ph.D. with several years’ experience at a law firm, for an entry-level sales position. From our perspective someone with those qualifications wouldn’t be satisfied working an entry-level position like this, and so the CV goes to the bottom of the pile. Don’t just go through a job listing website and shoot off resumes to every open position. Read the description and the requirements and if you have the qualifications send in the CV. It is my belief by applying in this manner your odds are higher you’ll hear back from companies, and you won’t feel you’re wasting your time by applying for a job. (Somoto has several open Sales positions in our Israel office, for more information check the website!) Article written by Jonathan PetersonHiring advice image from Shutterstock
Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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