What Do I Do If I Can't Trust My Colleagues?

Dear Experts, What's your advice on working in an environment where you can't trust your colleagues? What happens if you love your job, love what you do, but there is too much politics, administrative bureaucracy, and opposing 'camps' at the company/organization you work at? Here is how our T.A.P. experts answered this question: Q#335 Had similar situation: stuck 2 my wrk, focused on the good/my impact, vented, looked 4/found new job. (@juliaerickson) Q#335 U determine UR reaction & participation. Be aware, but ignore & stay focused. Too bad=find another job. (@dawnbugni) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.
