Are Pictures/Logos Appropriate on Resumes?

Dear Experts, I am starting to write my resume for a job hunt starting soon. I am curious if a small picture of myself next to my name, or maybe a small logo type branding would be appropriate? The current job I am applying for is a web design/developer position, and I thought this might give it a little more personality, a face behind the paper. Here is how our CAREEREALISM-Approved Experts answered this question on Twitter:Q#357 I recommend a logo or some other design of yours to add personality and show what you can do. No photos though. (@louise_fletcher) Q#357 U can append page of logos/designs 2 rez, plus hyperlink 2 ur LinkedIn page with gr8 prof'l-lkg foto. (@juliaerickson) Q#357 A logo or small picture evocative of what u do is more advisable than a picture of yourself to demonstrate ur bkgrnd. (@DebraWheatman) Q#357 I think a little logo you designed could be a neat idea. A photo on the resume? No freaking way! (@beneubanks) Q#357 Use your best judgement. Would likely be ok for this type of role, so long as it isn't over the top. (@gradversity) Q#357 Agree w/others: No picture on resume. Show design savvy w/logo/other illustration. No need to unveil your 'mug'. (@ValueIntoWords) Q#357 No pics on #resume. Yes 2 logo; ensure it reinforces expertise/further compels otherwise not needed. (@resumeservice) Q#357 Agree with the rest: def. no pic of you - pix on resumes are not done - but showcasing your design skills is nice. (@careerbranches) Q#357 Personal pic-no in US; logo/consistant Brand, good taste, yes. Use to communicate/support value Design=sm amt creative OK. (@DawnBugni) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.

Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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