New Recruiter Black-Listed Me

Dear Experts, I was working with a headhunter on a job that I was a fit for. Suddenly, he stopped returning my calls and a new recruiter from the same firm contacted me to say he was now in charge of the job and the account. I thought he was very rude and unprofessional, so I turned down the interview. He said I was being unprofessional and 'burning a bridge.' Since then another job has come up at this same firm and I applied. I got an e-mail from the old recruiter saying I wasn't a fit, but it was attached to an e-mail further down which was from the recruiter I clashed with. It said, "Looks who's back..your old friend who likes to burn bridges." This staffing firm is the only one the company is working with and I really want to work there. Is there anyway to go around them? Also, is this a form of discrimination? Here is how our CAREEREALISM-Approved Experts answered this question on Twitter: Q#379 There may be more to the story. You could approach the company directly, but they hired the recruiter for a reason... (@gradversity) Q#379 Best chance is inside referral. Read strategy for getting by staffing gatekeeper here: (@jtodonnell) Q#379 Email recruiter directly. Job searching can be frustrating but he was right (don’t burn bridges). Good luck. (@resumeservice) Q#379 Worth a shot to apologize for being short-sighted, ask "How can I mend this, change your perception of me?" (@juliaerickson) Q#379 Separate your emotions from the task at hand. Recruiters are commissioned sales people; go direct to the company. (@colindaymude) Q#379 Recruiter told u weren't a fit for job. U can apply directly but might not get rspns. might behoove u 2 take hi rd. (@DebraWheatman) [1/2] Q#379 You know they are leading firm. You should try to set things right instead of being so stubborn. U r prtly respnsble (@DebraWheatman) [2/2] Q#379 If you know the company and are a fit for them, go around. I would. (@beneubanks) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.
