Former Employer is Preventing Me from Landing Job

Dear Experts, One of my former employers is saying I am not eligible for re-hire when contacted by potential employers. How do I handle this in my current job search? Should I be upfront at the interview? If so how do I explain without being negative? Here is how our approved experts answered this question:@juliaericksonQ#177 "Not eligible" sounds like policy; explain that 2 pot emprs & that u have prof'l refs 2 spk 2 ur quals.@louise_fletcherQ#177 Difficult to know what you should say w/o knowing details, but honesty is always the best policy IMO.@ValueIntoWordsQ#177 Agree w/other experts! Esp import 2 coach other references on responses that may nip negative comments in bud.@kgrantcareersQ#177 Agree w @dawnbugni + one thing find 2 ppl from old employer 2 serve as references. This offsets any bad news.@gradversityQ#177 Try to address this with your former employer. Failing that, find a creative way to keep new company from calling old one.@dawnbugniQ#177 Best defense is a good offense. Better to give positive spin up front than let emp. draw own conclusions.@beneubanksQ#177 Be truthful. Even if it hurts short-term, it's worth it in the long term. Don't give TMI unless requested.Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.
