How Do I Network in an Unknown Language?

Dear Experts, I am interested in relocating to Germany (within the next year), but I do not speak the language fluently. My question is: How should I network/express interest for positions in Germany, when I am still trying to master the language? Here is how our T.A.P. experts answered this question: Q#283 Start w/English spkrs; many Germans spk some; also many charmed when u try spkg; just go for it! (@juliaerickson) Q#283 Try to track down english speaking employees in other offices/countries over LinkedIn and ask for advice. (@gradversity) Q#283 Unlike US, most Europeans speak/read English pretty well. Apply in German but mention learning language. (@jtodonnell) Q#283 I'd try to find w/someone in my industry that's native to the country. Best way to dig in. (@beneubanks) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.
