They Agreed to New Hours, Now Say It's Not Working

Dear Experts, They agreed to different hours, now say it's not working. What should I do? I am a single mom (recently divorced) and had to return to work. I had to approach my office manager about switching my hours to make sure I could pick up my son in time 2 days/week. She agreed and it seemed to be going fine for the first 2 weeks, but yesterday, she announced that it's not working. It appears somebody in the office complained that it wasn't fair my hours got changed and now she's changing her mind. When I asked for specific examples of what wasn't working, she couldn't give me any - and that's when she admitted the only problem was that people in the office were upset. I told her I can't change the hours back. She hasn't spoken to me since. What should I do? Could she fire me for this? Here is how our T.A.P. experts answered this question: Q#285 Agree ask cowkrs 4 support; ask boss 4 another chnce & praise her generosity; plan 4 other arrangmts 2. (@juliaerickson) Q#285 Focus on winning the support of your coworkers, who appear to be the ones throwing up roadblocks. (@gradversity) Our Twitter Advice Project (T.A.P.) is no longer an active campaign. To find an answer to the above question, please use the "Search" box in the right-hand column of this website.

Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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