7 Signs You Work With A 'Debbie Downer'

7 Signs You Work With A 'Debbie Downer'

We’ve all worked with one. The one who can’t seem to be able to find anything positive to say. NEVER. Related:5 Tips For Dealing With An Annoying Co-Worker Always looking on the dark side of office life, this person is a little rain cloud over your work day. No matter how nice and upbeat you are with her, she seems to be the lighting rod for sad and negative thoughts. Who is this person? You know exactly who it is - The dreaded “Debbie Downer.” Can you relate? Courtesy of Giphy.com. What is your “Debbie Downer” in your office like? Here are some classic Debbie Downer responses:

1. “Hey! How was your weekend?”

Courtesy of Giphy.com

2. “Could you help me with something real quick?”

Courtesy of Giphy.com.

3. “You look good in that outfit!”

Courtesy of Giphy.com.

4. “How did the meeting go?”

Courtesy of Giphy.com.

5. “Do you want to set up a time to meet?”

Courtesy of Giphy.com.

6. “Here, sign this birthday card for...”

Courtesy of Giphy.com.

7. “Doing anything fun this weekend?”

Courtesy of Giphy.com.

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