
Is Resume Preparation Tax Deductible?

Gearing up to file your 2009 tax returns? So are millions of other Americans. Oddly we go from the cheer of the holidays, landing face first into one of the most stressful times for all of us: tax season. The 31 million of those who generated a limited income last year, or just couldn’t find work, are getting a “kind of” unexpected break by avoiding the heavy tax burdens they once experienced in years passed. January (or for those late filers, April 15) will not be the stressful time for them it has been in years passed. Probably the only perk of underemployment/unemployment.

Is resume preparation tax deductible?

Before filing your tax returns this year remember certain career services you received last year are tax deductible under the right circumstances. Basic requirements include you looking for a job within your career field, avoiding a long hiatus and then starting to look for employment, and not be a first-time jobseeker. Not too restrictive. Here are some of the services you can write off:
  • Resume-Writing Services
  • Travel/Transportation Expenses (mileage)
  • Employment Agency Fees
It’s important to note the IRS Publication 529 does not mention the ability to write-off/deduct:
  • Career Coaching
  • Interview Training
  • Dry Cleaning
Teena Rose is a Personal Branding Strategist, Career Coach, and Professional 10-Year Resume Writer. She is highly endorsed and recommended, making her your best choice for job-search and career success. She has been helping professionals grow, excel, and succeed since 1999. Contact Teena at, via LinkedIn and/or follow her on Twitter.
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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