This Bird Will Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Reaching Your Goals

This Bird Will Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Reaching Your Goals

Can you imagine traveling without transportation for 5,950 miles with no breaks within 10 days? It sounds crazy, but the bar-tailed godwit bird does it every year, traveling from Alaska to New Zealand with virtually no breaks in between. A trip you might think takes months to accomplish takes less than two weeks for this creature. It might sound crazy, but this bird can teach you a lot about reaching your goals. “Sometimes in our lives, we want to accomplish so much,” said Joanne Chan, a presentation coach at Own The Room, a communication skills training company. “But we say to ourselves, ‘[I] can’t do that. I don’t have the capabilities.’ But capability is not the problem.” Chances are, you can’t even fathom making that journey. You probably think to yourself, “That’s impossible.” So, why can the bar-tailed godwit do it? According to Chan, part of this is attributed to focus. The bird, unlike a human, isn’t looking to other birds during its flight thinking, “Why is that bird flying faster than me?” or “What does that bird think of me?” It’s not distracted by these kinds of thoughts, so it can stay focused on the main goal. According to Chan, there’s tons of energy and power within us that we haven’t tapped into yet. The problem, she said, is that there’s so much “noise” in your head that distracts you from reaching your goals. “Get rid of the noises in your head,” said Chan. “Get rid of the bad energies and the things that are not meant for you. Listen to the inner voice and just let your heart guide you to where you need to be. If you truly nurture the things that are meant for you, you start to fly, and you will arrive at a great place much sooner than you think.” When it comes to reaching your goals, eliminate the distractions in your head. Send away those unnecessary and unwanted noises that fill up your mind, distracting you from your goal. This will allow you to get there as quickly as possible.

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