Career Change

3 Reasons Why Being A Copywriter Is A Smart Career Move

3 Reasons Why Being A Copywriter Is A Smart Career Move

There’s one thing you CAN’T stand: boring content. And you’re not alone. In a day and age where “content is king” and attention spans are short, it’s more important than ever to understand how to capture and keep a reader. Otherwise, you’ll lose them to someone else. Related:3 Ways To Kickstart Your Creative Career If you have a way with words and you have an interest in marketing, copywriting might be a smart career move on your part. Why? There are plenty of reasons why you should consider becoming a copywriter. Here are three major ones:

1. Copywriting skills are in-demand.

With more and more companies turning their backs on traditional “yell and sell” advertising strategies and moving toward inbound and content marketing techniques that focus on content, copywriting is an extremely in-demand skill set. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers are creating more content than they did one year ago. That means more and more companies are looking for and hiring copywriters to create this content. Someone has to craft copy that attracts and keeps customers! Why not you?

2. You don’t need a formal education to become a copywriter.

While many have leveraged an English or Marketing degrees as a starting point to their copywriting career, getting a formal education isn’t necessary in many cases - especially if you plan to freelance. So, what can you do to supplement your lack of formal education? Here are a few ideas:
  • Start a blog and contribute to it regularly
  • Get tips and feedback from successful copywriters
  • Look into online training programs
All of these things will help you hone your copywriting skills. Don’t let your lack of formal education keep you from pursuing your passion for writing!

3. You have the freedom to work from home or in an office.

As a copywriter, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to work from home or work in an office. Many other professions don’t have this luxury. So, if you love having the flexibility to choose when and where you want to work, copywriting is a role you should consider for sure. Fight against boring content. Become a copywriter and use your passion for writing to inspire readers to keep reading! Write a great resume in 15 minutes!

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