
CV And Resume Mistakes That Can Cost You the Job

CV And Resume Mistakes That Can Cost You the Job

In a recent article for AOL Jobs, CAREEREALISM Founder, J.T. O'Donnell addresses some hidden resume mistakes that could cost you a job opportunity. With only six seconds to make a good impression on a potential employer, you can't afford to make any mistakes on your resume. In this episode of "Career Rehab," J.T. focuses on some common resume and curriculum vitae (CV) errors that can cost you interview opportunities.

Resume Mistakes That Can Cost You The Job

Some of these errors include:
  • Including a photo
  • Putting "Resume" or "Curriculum Vitae" at the top of the document
  • Overloading document with unnecessary personal information
  • Hiding your specialties at the bottom of the document
Although these are common practices in other countries, in the U.S., these tactics can immediately eliminate you from the running. Resume formats vary from country to country, so if you are applying for a job in the U.S., you might need to rethink your resume strategy. Here are J.T.'s tips for creating a relevant and cohesive resume or CV... CV resume mistakes image from Shutterstock
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