Executive Branding: 3 Classic Resume Mistakes

Executive Branding: 3 Classic Resume Mistakes
Executive branding isn't just for social media. If you are a member of the c-suite, your resume needs branding attention too. Many executives are using outdated formats, designs, and communication styles to create resumes that are failing to do them justice. And in some cases, is hurting their executive reputation. Some of the classic executive branding resume mistakes include:
  • Writing in the third person.
  • Using too many complex, multi-syllabic words.
  • Overstating your success with subjective, flowery text.
Today's executive branding resume is formatted in a way that simplifies their expertise and draws attention to their skills through strategic design elements that creates an immediate impression. Accomplishment-driven and full of statistics that prove your experience, today's executive needs a resume that says more with less. Don't make the mistake of coming across as out-of-touch or over-the-hill with an outdated resume. Learn how to apply the latest executive branding techniques to your resume so it gets the attention and respect you want... and deserve!

Your Next Step

Watch my webinar that outlines how today’s busy executive can leverage marketing 2.0 techniques to find the opportunities they want and deserve. The title of the presentation is, "6 Simple Steps to Leveraging Your C-Suite Status." WATCH WEBINAR NOW ► This powerful training reveals:
  • How social media is the “new normal” in executive branding
  • The steps necessary to create a respectable brand online
  • Examples of how to use authority marketing techniques to network your way to a new opportunity
WATCH WEBINAR NOW ►Resume mistakes image from Shutterstock
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