Job Interviews

Interview Questions For Electrical Engineering

Interview Questions For Electrical Engineering

Given the highly intelligent and competitive nature of electrical engineering, expect a tough interview process. Although many of the questions will test your technical skills, it is also important to be prepared to respond to inquiries about other aspects of your character that will impact your probability of success as an employee.

Interview Questions For Electrical Engineering

The following list presents non-technical interview questions for electrical engineering you should be prepared to discuss during the interview process. (along with a few other helpful hints)

Interview Preparation

Engineering is a meticulous profession that requires a highly detail-oriented person to succeed. The first chance you get to demonstrate these skills is in your preparation for the interview.
  • Prepare a curriculum vitae and/or resume that highlights your education and experience
  • Reacquaint yourself with the details and highlights of major projects you’ve worked on
  • Put together a list of questions you may want to ask the interviewer
  • Collect letters of recommendation
  • Gather references

Common Interview Questions For Electrical Engineering

Here are some common questions regarding education and training, personality, career choice, experience, and interests:
Education and training background
  • What were your favorite engineering classes? Why?
  • How would you describe your educational experience?
  • Are you happy with your academic performance?
  • What would you change about your academic experience?
  • Do you have a license?

Personality traits

  • How would you describe yourself as an employee?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How would go about correcting your weaknesses?
  • How would your co-workers describe you?
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • What type of personality types do you work best with?
  • Are you comfortable working in a team?
  • Why are you looking for a new job? (if you’re leaving one)

Career choice

  • Why did you choose engineering?
  • Why did you specialize in electrical engineering?
  • What do you like most about electrical engineering? Least?
  • What do you think you can contribute to the electrical engineering profession?
  • Do you think you’ll still be interested in electrical engineering in ten years? Why?
  • What have you done in the last year to improve your knowledge?

Project experience

  • Describe your favorite project you’ve worked on.
    • What was your role?
    • Describe a technical problem you encountered and how you solved it.
    • What quality controls did you employ?
    • What did you do best while working on this project?
    • What could you improve on?
    • What did you learn from this project?
    • What design tools are you familiar with?
    • What is your favorite part of the project lifecycle?
    • Do you have any technical writing experience?
    • What has been your greatest achievement in engineering so far?

Future and other interests

  • What are your goals as they relate to electrical engineering?
  • Do you have any interest/experience in management?
  • Have you considered getting an MBA?
  • Describe your volunteer or community service activities.
  • What non-engineering organizations did/do you belong to?
  • What personal goals do you have for you or your family?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?

General Guidelines For Answering Interview Questions

  • Use examples – The best way deliver an answer that will impress your interviewer is by backing it up with real-life examples.
  • Quote people who know you – If a co-worker once said, “You are the hardest worker I know,” use that statement in an answer.
  • Be clear – Organize your answers so they are easy to follow.
  • Be yourselfEmployers want to know the real you to make sure you can work well together.
  • Be honest – The last think you want is an employer to find out that they were lied to. They will respect your honesty.
  • Be excited and enthusiastic – You will likely work daily with the people you meet during the interview. So show them that it will be a rewarding experience.
  • Show interest – Show the interviewer that you are serious about this job.
  • Show respect – Anyone you meet during the interview may have an impact on whether or not you get the job.
  • Be curious – The more you know about the job, the better you will be able to determine if you would be happy there.

Questions You May Want To Ask The Interviewer

  • What is the typical size and scope of the projects you work on?
  • Do you specialize in a particular industry or geography?
  • What makes you different from other firms?
  • How is your firm changing? Is it growing?
  • How do you market your company?
  • What are your goals for the company?
  • What role would I play in this company?
  • Finally...What would your goals be for me?
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