#1 Mistake People Make During Presentations

#1 Mistake People Make During Presentations

Do you get nervous during presentations? When you speak, are you so focused on pronouncing the words correctly, remembering your main points, and not sweating through your shirt that you get even MORE nervous? You’re not alone. Millions of people have a fear of public speaking, which can make it hard for them to truly captivate an audience. Those nerves just LOVE to get in the way! But there’s one mistake people make during presentations that totally kills a great message. Are YOU making this mistake? You’re focusing too much on yourself, and not enough on your message. “If you get nervous, it’s because you’re thinking about yourself,” said Syd Atlas, a presentation coach at Own The Room, a communication skills training company. “Forget about yourself. Get over yourself. It’s not about you. It is ALWAYS about your content, your ideas, your audience.” When you’re trying to captivate your audience during presentations, there’s one thing you must remember. In order to engage them, you have to focus on the message you’re trying to get across, not yourself. “Whenever you are speaking, whether it’s to one person or to one thousand, you’re speaking because you have something to say,” said Atlas. You must be fully committed to what you’re saying in order for your audience to be interested and captivated by your message. Otherwise, you’ll lose their interest. Don’t make this mistake during your next presentation! If you’re only focused on how you look, sound, and act during your presentations, you’re going to take away from the message you’re trying to convey to your audience. Also, when you take the focus off of yourself, it might ease your nerves a little bit.

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