Office Hours: Remote Job Search, Changing Careers, No Experience & MORE!

Office Hours: Remote Job Search, Changing Careers, No Experience & MORE!

Each week, we hold Office Hours on our YouTube Channel with one of our career support specialists. During these free, live sessions, viewers can ask their burning career questions and get answers by the experts. In this session of Office Hours, long-time career expert J.T. O'Donnell hits on the following topics:

  • What to do when you have poor networking skills (01:48)
  • How to quantify your work on your CV (05:02)
  • How to grow at a company that doesn't want you to move up (09:27)
  • How to manage an interview effectively (13:32)
  • When you should start your job search when you're relocating (16:28)
  • What to mention in a 30-60-90 Plan when interviewing for a Sales Manager position (19:02)
  • When to follow up after the employer calls your references (21:00)
  • How to secure a second interview (22:21)
  • Advice for job seekers in the beauty industry (26:03)
  • ....and more!
If you're interested in watching our LIVE Office Hours, be sure subscribe to our YouTube channel.